Hello! my name is
I have always been interested by how things work on the web and how it forms graphics, clickable buttons,routing to another page, fetching data by using only codes, and it gives me the desire to learn more. Creative and Detailed Software Developer. Eager to learn more about the latest
Web Application.
I started my computer career early 2000 (1997) I took Computer Programming after taking Marine Engineering. At that time Windows 95 was not yet born. Programming lessons were Cobol, Fortran, C, Pascal, DOS, I think this were the early birds in computer programming.
Fast forward in 2023 as a Full Stack Web Developer and currently looking for a position as a Web Developer, Freelance, Part-time or Full-Time. Highly organized, responsible. With good communication skills, able to work as independent or with a team. Everysince at a young age, Im always curious about how things work when clicking something in my computer. I love to read Tech books, watching tutorials and just coding most of my time. Right now I do graphic designs for walk-in clients and enhancing my skills in programming.
A Front-End Developer is a professional who builds the front portion of web application that customers, guests, or clients use on a daily basis.
A Back-End Developer means working on server-side software, which focuses on everything you can't see on a web application. Back-end developers ensure the website performs orrectly, focusing on databases, backend logic and functions, application programming interface (APIs),architecture and servers.
Latest Build
A bucket list app that allows users to create, edit, and delete bucket lists. Users can also add items to their bucket lists.
React, JavaScript, Tailwind CSS, ExpressJs, Mongoose, MongoDb, DaisyUi
Latest Build
This is my first card game, you can find similar games online but my version is a bit different. I implement user input, credits will automatically be added when a player wins and credits will be subtracted when user lose. if credit is '0', buttons will be disabled. And a player cannot start a game if the player is empty.
JavaScript, CSS, html, localStorage
Latest Build
A school Database equipped with Admin dashboard, students/registered users can view records like grades, payment, subjects and others. Only registered users can login to view updated records.
JavaScript,Tailwindcss, Bootstrap, React, localStorage,mySql,ExpressJs,Dependencies for backend e.g. Bcrypt, jsonwebtoken to name a few...
Latest Build
A youtube alike design to store pictures. I build this when I was still learning for a couple of weeks. Getting to know the structure of the Document Object Model (DOM) and the responsiveness when viewing in different screen size.
html, css, javascript
Latest Build
A first mini project from bootcamp. An online ordering application focuses on different types of cakes. I'm still updating this to Nextjs and finishing implementing the backend logic with database and user authentication system.
html, css, javascript
Latest Build
A minified counting assistant, this can be used in a game, or anything that needs counting. This i my updated version with list of each number that you want to store and a total output. I also implement localStorage to save inputs. Equipped with disabled functions in buttons to disregard zeros
html, css, tailwindcss, javascript
Latest Build
It's not what you think it is:-). This is a web url storage application, works like a bookmark in a web browser.You can save your favorite website by clicking the save url button and you can also type your preferred web url manually, with a customized photo
html, css, javascript
Latest Build
I build this 2 years ago when I'm still in my early days of practicing web development. An online food ordering application. I'm still updating this to ver-2, this is hard coded in html and I want to build this in dynamic mode with nextjs and database models together with payment method.
html, css, javascript, bootstrap
Latest Build
I build this because I want to have a custom web everytime I open a browser. Implement a clock function with my links ready on the fly.
html, css, javascript
Latest Build
For those who wants to be updated with their horoscope,I build this just for you.
html, css, javascript
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